Here are the details:
American Cancer Societys Relay for Life is looking for crafters/artisians in the community to support our event by donating a gift basket of choice items for our charity auction or setting up a booth of items to be sold and then donate 20% of your nights proceeds to the event. Our Relay takes place on June 13th at 6:00pm at the West Jordan Ut, Veterans Memorial Park. We have many local supporters including favorite radio station 97.1 zht (donating $32,000 of publicity and on air for event) We are expecting a GREAT turn out! GREAT FOR YOU, GREAT FOR US! Please let me know if this interests you and I will get you more details.
You can email me at,
Also, many many thanks to KristinaLaw, ColorfulDayz, and GumballGrenade for their donations to the UtahEtsy donation basket that went to support the Weber Morgan Children's Justice Center Charity Auction. They were extremely thankful for the beautiful items that were donated!